30 gifts to 30 strangers

Original post: September 27, 2011


You probably already know Lucas Jatobá, the guy who spread colorful balloons around Barcelona. I had described it as the perfect way to say goodbye! Well, the good thing about amazing people is that they never stop being amazing. And now Lucas surprises us once more by showing what is the best way to celebrate a birthday: yes, it has to do with gifts, but in this case, to other people besides the birthday boy!

Now he’s living in Sidney and for his 30th birthday, he and his friends carefully wrapped thirty awesome gifts and distributed to random strangers, as a way to thank for all the good things that were happening in his life.

From all the articles I had to read for my thesis, I remember one that mentioned that happier people were usually more thankful for the small things in life, and definitely kinder to others! I guess Lucas is a good example of this!

All images are from his flickr.

p.s: And Lucas is also Brazilian! I kind of like to think that as a nation, we’re at least a little bit happier than the average! : )